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Niskama Karma(Selfless deeds)—Prernamurti Bharti Shriji

Prernamurti Bharti Shriji

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Niskama Karma(Selfless deeds)

Gita is more concerned with the right approach to the performance of karma rather than running away from karma. The right approach cons ists of two important aspects:

1. Sankalp(संकल्प ) sanyasa or abdication of motives.

2. Tyaga (त्याग )or offering of the results at the feet of God.

This way of performing karma is known as niskamakarma or nivrittikarma. Gita declares that one should concern oneself with the duties to be performed but not with the results that may accrue. ‘Let not the result of thy activity be the motive of thy activity’ Gita retorts. The Mimamsakas define the eligibility or adhikara for an undertaking in terms of the interest in the results on the part of the person undertaking it. Certain undertakings are enjoined for those are desirous of…

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